Thursday, March 18


It wouldn't be fair to write a last will and testament today. I haven't got any assets to give nor any property to divide among my constituents. It's really hard to give something away when you know you haven't got anything to give. It's counting chookies before you catch the chickens.

And sadly, I always ponder upon my chookies. I ponder what would happen if (just if, not planning on anything) THE thing happens.

Few of my possessions would never be credible enought to be facilitated by a barista. There's no need for it. Give them all away, that's an idea.

I would also rather be cremated than to be inside a box; metal or wood whatever, I don't need another box trapping me in the afterlife. I there is an afterlife.

But my family would never agree on that. Then again, who knows?


Somehow if a will would be too difficult for me to give at least memories are still available.

Video tape please./KP

Friday, March 12

Angst daw

I am furious.
i am cheap.
I am angst.

Basically, these are the things that summarizes my writing. Jevska asked me what does the word 'wrought' mean. It took me a few wildcard guesses before I knew what it meant. And I've encountered that word in every book that described a scene with a gate.

"A wrought iron gate"

That is why I came to ponder upon my writing capabilities. I was really having difficulties with our article and I really don't know why. I think i need to spend more time on the skills lab. Or inside a petri dish with the big names in this "industry" (if you can call me part of it).

People sometimnes associate me as a good writer. I scoff sometimes because in fact I am just a probinsyano in this new world. I have lots to learn and I am eager to do so.

That is why this summer, i'll grab the chance to do it.

Maybe this time, i'll be lucky.

Wednesday, March 10

binalaybay nga labay-labay


Kun gin hambal mo lang
kun ngaman nauna ang lago kaysa
sa manok kung aga indi
nako mag reklamo
ngaman paubrahon mo kami it lesson plan
nga wala gid nimo gin tudlo.

Putsi ako it pancit
halin sa balay ninyo sa Capiz.
Siguraduha ina nga manamit
kay ipares ko sya sa
pinirito nga pispis.