Opportunities never fail to pass by and I think I was given enough opportunities to read and finish this book. But finally, for the tenth time of trying to finish this book in six months (though it's just a small read), I have done it last night. I finished his beloved masterpiece.
It's like climbing that stupid wall you are forced to get across on at military trainings. The book is supposed to teach you to seek within yourself and it indeed has-for me. I had never attempted to read anything philosophical for it makes me barf (sometimes). But this time, due to the pressures insisted by myself, I did so. I found it difficult at first to decipher meanings but heck, if you decipher everything? What's left of the mystery of life?
"No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge." (Chapter 18)
Now, I am venturing still on the 'prophet' theme: Nest to be finished:
Try mo dayon ang Brida, Kit... Nami... Also The Devil and Ms. Prygm...