Friday, October 16

Why I never bothered studying other subjects

Don't pressure youself. That was my quotation of the week.

That's why I did not work my heart out in studying for three of my exams. I just scanned the books a few hours before the test. No memorizing. Just scanning.

Wwhy did I do something that sounds nuts and stupid?

Well first it is because the subjects are dull and uninteresting. Nothing is a greater killer than boredom.

Second, the teahcers don't give a sh*t about you. They just kept yapping and yapping without sense. I had one subject which I had learned facts and information only through my classmates. She lets us all report. And she say's just a few sentences. One. Two but not more than twenty the whole class hour. We do not count her mandates on my classmate to buy her snacks.

Third, I alloted the time to study for my major exams. If I want to go nuts, at least I chose the one that's easy to crack.

Fourth, it's beacuse I know that the exam would not be difficult.

I have psychic abilities you know./KP

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