Monday, November 30


I am a bad salesman. I hate selling things and I am terrible at sales talk. That's why I am thankful I live in the Philippines where their scouts are not being made as fund-raising monkeys. Imagine the ten year old me selling cookies door to door at our town. I am sure that my team mates wouldn't sell their cookies. They'd be throwing them at me because I scared the customers away of some cholesterol-risk story.

I am sometimes the midpoint of failure in our group. I'd be the worst team mate because if I knew the right answers, I would just keep it. If I was too cocky, I'd pester everyone to make my answer the answer and end up not gaining any points. Luck is my polar opposite.

That's why I am having a hard time telling myself to move the f*cking forward after I lost my laptop. I sound so childish and blatantly schizophrenic as I have already made three posts about it yet my mind is not functioning nor producing any ideas to write about except this. So I am stumped with this 'til I get over the hang-over.

Is there any medicine for this? It should taste better than the ones for anti-fillariasis. Them taste like airline food. Much worse than airline food. I got a packet one from my sister because the local RHU gives them away. Hey, it's free so I got one. Better prevented than already having something that shouldn't be big ginormous.

I am now settled that the only thing to make me move on is m self. Not that crazy woman in the street, not the lazy traffic enforcer but my own self. This is going to be hard.

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