Saturday, May 30

I've got the greens

It's always frustrating when you don't get what you want. That's the general conclusion. No matter how optimistic you are, that is the first thought or emotion that comes into your mind; frustration. The its-gonna-be-okay feeling will just come later on.

Finding the right color of paint for the office is not easy. Even mixing the right consistency of paint to get the right shade of green is much more 'not easy'.A gallon of tinting color used, and we still did not have the right color. It took the foreman two days just to get it darker. And by that rate, we could have used up all the supply of tinting color the hardware has. So we gave up. And settled for what is there. The color was okay for me, I don;t know for the others.

Mental notes to remember:

1. Pick a pastel color next time and bear with it. A third world country like ours has yet to enjoy the benefits of pre-mixed latex paint.

2. Find ways to get the color before buying.

3. Give tip for the sweat-dripped mixer who is now suffering from early signs of Parkinson's disease because of your rant.

4. Plan thoroughly.

5. Build a hardware store that sells pre-mixed latex paint, surely the world of houses will never be bright again. And you will be rich.

6. Find a cab whose air-conditioning unit is well functioning. After your sweaty moments at the hardware, you will need some relief on transportation.

The world is fair lads and lassies, but the stocks and play of exchange of goods are not./KP

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